Home School Instruction

Home Schooling

Homeschooling is an educational option for a parent/guardian who provides instruction to his or her own child in lieu of enrolling the student in a public, nonpublic, or church-exempt school that is registered in the State of Maryland. 

Information about Homeschooling in Maryland

Parents/guardians who intend to homeschool are encouraged to familiarize themselves with Maryland's Home Instruction regulations that are specified in the Code of Maryland Regulations, COMAR 13A.10.01.01—.05 and apply to homeschooled students who are subject to Maryland's Compulsory Attendance Law (5 years old or older by September 1st to age 18).

The following documents are provided to ensure that parents choosing to homeschool in Dorchester County are knowledgeable about the Maryland regulations.

Video Series: The Home Instruction Process in Maryland

This video series explains the Maryland regulations for homeschooling. 
Part 1 Initiating Home Instruction 
Part 2 Components of a Home Instruction Program (Portfolio Review information)
Part 3 Special Topics for High School-Aged Students 

To register a new student for homeschooling in Dorchester County, complete one of the following:

Important Notes

  • High school students participating in home instruction do not earn course credits or high school diplomas from Dorchester County Public Schools. Homeschooled students are eligible to take the GED at the age of 16 to earn a Maryland State High School Diploma. Click here for the DLLR GED Home Instruction Verification Form

  • Maryland's homeschooling regulations empower homeschooling families to self-select all curriculum and instructional materials for their children.  Accordingly, Dorchester County Public Schools do not provide, recommend, approve, or subsidize curriculum or instructional materials, including electronic devices, for homeschooled students.

  • Dorchester County Public Schools accepts homeschooling notification forms for students who are subject to Maryland's Compulsory Attendance Law (5 years old or older on September 1st up to the student's 18th birthday). 

  • Dorchester County homeschooling students are required to participate in and provide documentation twice per year (End of 1st semester and end of the DCPS school year) of your compliance with COMAR. If you choose a home-schooling program that is not certified as an MSDE approved nonpublic program, DCPS will notify you of the date of your Portfolio Review appointments. Please visit our Portfolio Review page for more information.

  • If the parent/guardian of a homeschooled student suspects that the student has an educational disability (including speech concerns), he/she may contact Child Find Services by calling 410-228-4747, ext. 1023. Please note that DCPS is unable to provide special education services to homeschooled students beyond the identification process of Child Find.      

Any questions or concerns about Home School Instruction? Contact:

Home School Coordinator

Jovita Adams

410-901-6944 ext 3625


Supervisor of Students Services

Regenna Jalon

410-901-6944 ext. 3606

Email Regenna Jalon