important announcement graphic

The DCPS Out of District application is now open for the 2024-2025 school year.  This application is only good for the current school year and a new application must be submitted for approval each school year.

For the 2024-2025 school year we are continuing the completely online application process.   The link is also posted on the DCPS webpage for Parents.  This must be completed by April 30, 2023, for consideration.  The only exceptions would be for families that move after June 1, and/or pre-k enrollment (that enrollment period for OOD is from September 1-September 13, 2023).  Pre-K is not included in this process and will open in May as a separate link.

All applications again will be online, for any families with difficulty accessing the online link, you would need to contact your current school to schedule an appointment to assist.  All applications will be processed through the Student Services office and families will receive notifications by June 30.

As a reminder no transportation is provided for out of district students, students may only ride their assigned buses (home school), and parents are responsible for transportation for all out of district approved placements.

Please use the link below and we look forward to a successful end of the 2024 school year and a fantastic 2024-2025 year!
