Superintendent handing diploma to student

We are proud of these members of Cambridge-South Dorchester High School’s Class of 2023, who have demonstrated what resilience looks like. Shown here with C-SD Principal Jerome Stover, JaKyre James Harris, Jan Carlos Ortiz Melendez, Jannelis Judith Ortiz Melendez, and Troy Lee Wongus III received their high school diplomas yesterday at the C-SD’s Summer Commencement Ceremony, held at the Packing House in Cambridge after a power outage at C-SD. Having not quite earned the credits to graduate in May, they continued working through the summer to make it to the diploma finish line.

But it isn’t over yet, as these young people plan to continue moving ahead. Troy is determined to acquire his Commercial Driver’s License; Jan Carlos is looking to join the military; Jannelis would like to continue her education; and JaKyre, who has restaurant experience, is looking for a job. Congratulations all!