Students will bringing devices home today, which should remain at home tomorrow. Students are required to attend school tomorrow, with an early dismissal at 12:45 p.m. on Tuesday, February 11th. Please make arrangements for the early dismissal.! Further updates will be provided as weather conditions develop.
about 14 hours ago, Hurlock Elementary School
early dismissal
Good morning! Due to the forecasted weather conditions tomorrow afternoon, DCPS schools will operate on a half day schedule. Staff may leave after students are dismissed. All PM activities will be cancelled tomorrow, Tuesday, February 11th. Stay safe.
about 15 hours ago, DCPS
important announcement graphic
Reminder: To help prevent the spread of illness, please keep sick children at home. Watch for symptoms like headaches, muscle weakness, upset stomach, and fever over 100°F. Keeping your child home when sick helps protect the health of all students and staff. Thank you for your support!
about 18 hours ago, Hurlock Elementary School
Please take a few moments to read through our weekly newsletter! We have a lot of events coming up that require RSVP's!
1 day ago, Hurlock Elementary School
Dear Parent/Guardian/Community Member, Dorchester County Public Schools (DCPS) has initiated a process to modernize its elementary schools, and we need your input in the first step—the Districtwide Elementary School Prototype Educational Specification. This document will identify what an ideal elementary school in Dorchester County should be: the types of instructional and support spaces it will contain, its educational philosophy, and its community features. It will be used to evaluate the older elementary schools in the system, leading to capital improvement projects that will support your children’s needs. You are invited to a listening session to learn about the process for developing the Districtwide Elementary School Prototype Educational Specification. The first session will be held on February 11, 2025, beginning at 6:00 PM, at Cambridge-South Dorchester High School in the auditorium, and the second session will be held on February 12, 2025, beginning at 6:00 PM, at North Dorchester High School in the auditorium. At these sessions, you will have the opportunity to provide input on the elementary schools. You do not need to attend both sessions as they will both cover the same information. Additional opportunities will be available later this spring to provide comments as the draft educational specification document is developed. The Districtwide Elementary School Prototype Educational Specification is the first step in providing modernized facilities for the elementary school students of Dorchester County. Your concerns and observations are crucial to the success of this process. We look forward to seeing you at one or both sessions. Sincerely, Dr. Jymil Thompson Superintendent of Schools
6 days ago, DCPS
listening session graphic
It's National School Counselor week and we have the absolute BEST one around! Make sure to look at our week of dress up to show Mrs. Powell how much we love her! Tomorrow is PJ day!
8 days ago, Hurlock Elementary School
This is a reminder that there is no school for students on Monday, January 27th, and Tuesday, January 28th, for students. Teachers will be preparing report cards and attending professional development.
15 days ago, Hurlock Elementary School
Still time to sign up , let fill our programs up ! Take some time to check your students folders/ book bags for before/afterschool club information. Please sign and return by February 3rd. There is a typo on it for ART CLUB. Art club is going to be offered to 4th and 5th grade students only at this time.
16 days ago, Hurlock Elementary School
Sweetheart dance permission slips have gone home please make sure you send back both your slip and money attached to it. If you have sent in a permission slip already please send in your money to the front office. Thank you !
19 days ago, Hurlock Elementary School
Dear parents please check your students folders for before/afterschool club information. Please sign and return by February 3rd. There is a typo on it for ART CLUB. Art club is going to be offered to 4th and 5th grade students only at this time. If you sent yours in already a new permission slip will be sent home.
19 days ago, Hurlock Elementary School
NOTICE OF MEETING Board of Education Budget Work Session with Public Comments on the Budget DATE: Thursday, January 23, 2025 TIME: 5:00 p.m. PLACE: The Board Room Central Office of the Board of Education 700 Glasgow Street Cambridge, MD 21613 The Board of Education of Dorchester County will conduct a Budget Work Session with Comments from the Public at the date, time and location indicated above to address business as indicated on the agenda. The agenda and related documents can be accessed online via BoardDocs on the Dorchester County Public Schools website at Anyone who would like to submit public comments electronically, to be included in the minutes, can email by 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 22 2025. All Board of Education Meetings will be livestreamed:
24 days ago, DCPS
BOE meeting announcement graphic
Good Afternoon Families, This weekend is a 3-day weekend. Schools will be closed on Monday, January 20th, in observance of Martin Luther King Day. We are closely monitoring the weather forecast, which indicates a possibility of snow on Sunday and very cold temperatures on Monday and Tuesday. We are unsure if this will cause a school closure next week. To prepare, we are sending home devices and chargers with students today in case we have to provide virtual learning next week. Remember, we have used all our inclement weather days and are doing our best to not extend the school year further into June. If there is no significant snow event, students should bring their devices and chargers back to school on Tuesday. Please ensure the devices are safely stored over the weekend. If there are any connectivity issues, students will have the opportunity to make up the work, and it will not count against them. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
25 days ago, DCPS
prep for virtual graphic
This week , grades 2-5th will be coming home with a 4H after school enrollment packet for all new enrollees. If your student was in 4h before winter break you do not need to fill it out again. More information on new before/after school clubs will be sent out soon that will start in February !
25 days ago, Hurlock Elementary School
January 15, 2025 Dear Parent/Guardian/Community Member, Dorchester County Public Schools (DCPS) has initiated a process to modernize its elementary schools, and we need your input in the first step—the Districtwide Elementary School Prototype Educational Specification. This document will identify what an ideal elementary school in Dorchester County should be: the types of instructional and support spaces it will contain, its educational philosophy, and its community features. It will be used to evaluate the older elementary schools in the system, leading to capital improvement projects that will support your children’s needs. You are invited to a listening session to learn about the process for developing the Districtwide Elementary School Prototype Educational Specification. The first session will be held on February 11, 2025, beginning at 6:00 PM, at Cambridge-South Dorchester High School in the auditorium, and the second session will be held on February 12, 2025, beginning at 6:00 PM, at North Dorchester High School in the auditorium. At these sessions, you will have the opportunity to provide input on the elementary schools. You do not need to attend both sessions as they will both cover the same information. Additional opportunities will be available later this spring to provide comments as the draft educational specification document is developed. The Districtwide Elementary School Prototype Educational Specification is the first step in providing modernized facilities for the elementary school students of Dorchester County. Your concerns and observations are crucial to the success of this process. We look forward to seeing you at one or both sessions. Sincerely, Dr. Jymil Thompson Superintendent of Schools
25 days ago, DCPS
elementary specification meeting graphic
Hey hey families in the Hurlock Elementary! Our Judy Center is having their first Information Night and Diaper giveaway On January 21, 2025 @ 4:15 p.m. ! If you are an expecting mom, have children under 5 or a caregiver of children birth to 5, this night is for you! Please either scan the QR code or follow this link to RSVP by January 20, 2025. ​
26 days ago, Hurlock Elementary School
27 days ago, Hurlock Elementary School
Attention families of third through fifth grade girls- registration for our Girls on the Run Team is officially open from now through February 2! The registration fee is $20. Practices are on Wednesdays and Thursdays. A detailed list of practices is attached. Girls must be able to attend the end of season 5K in Salisbury, MD on Saturday, May 3. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Stoops at! Due to scheduling, girls who are on the cheerleading/basketball team will not be able to participate this school year in GOTR. We are so excited for our third season of this great program! Register using this link:
27 days ago, Hurlock Elementary School
Final call for Winter Shoppe donations! We will be placing a big blue bin out in the bus loop Tuesday and Wednesday for any donations you may have! Thank you!
28 days ago, Hurlock Elementary School
Good afternoon! Dorchester County Public schools will be opening on a two hour delay Monday, January 13th. Parents please make sure that your child returns their charged laptop tomorrow.
29 days ago, DCPS
weather delay graphic
Dear HES , please take a moment to fill out our family engagement survey. We appreciate your input on how our programs have been going.
about 1 month ago, Hurlock Elementary School