Good Afternoon NDHS Students and Families,
Here are updates heading into this week!
New Marking Term
Marking Term 2 began last week! Now is the best time to be proactive regarding grades and turning in assignments. Term 1 grades will be available via PowerSchool soon.
Fall Play
NDHS presents Beowulf and the Bard on Thursday 11/16 and Friday 11/17 at 7pm. Admission is $5.
Winter Sports Tryouts
Winter Sports tryouts for Basketball, Wrestling, and Cheerleading are set for Wednesday, November 15th. Students should have already attended an interested meeting during the school day for their sport. For further information, please contact Mr. Morrissette. All forms need to be signed and returned in order to participate. Also, a gentle reminder that all home ticketed events at NDHS will require a ticket purchased online via
Cheerleading at Navy Football Game
Congratulations to our NDHS Cheerleaders on an awesome halftime performance during the Navy vs. UAB game on Saturday!
World Kindness Day
NDHS will be celebrating World Kindness Day on Monday! Please wear red to show your support in being kind!
Blood Drive
National Honors Society is hosting their annual blood drive on Monday November 13 - 11:00am to 5:00pm. 16 year olds may donate with a signed permission slip. Please see previous posts about scheduling an appointment.
Food Drive
NDHS National Honors Society and Key Club are hosting a food drive! All donations can be dropped off in your first period classroom until November 22.
SNAC Committee
DCPS Food Services is looking for students interested in being a part of the Student Nutrition Advisory Council. This group gets to create food themes and custom bowls to be served in the cafeteria! If interested, please talk to Mr. Pages!
Fall Break
Fall Break will begin following normal dismissal on Tuesday November 21st. Schools will be closed November 22 - 24.
We look forward to a great last full week before Thanksgiving Break!