students standing with certificates

Beck Weglarz has been working hard in class. He shows his friends how to sit on the carpet and clean up breakfast. He works so hard on all his schoolwork. 

 Forrest Samuel has made much progress in class. He has been working so hard on following classroom rules and is always ready to lend a helping hand. 

 Margie Hardy does a fabulous job showing that she is ready to learn! 

 Remy Hayden has done a remarkable job setting a good example for her friends during carpet time. 

Gavin Travers has been so very respectful to his teachers and a wonderful friend to his classmates. 

 Emma Roache is a positive role model and actively demonstrates respect to her classmates and teachers. She completes all her work to the best of her ability. Emma is a thoughtful and kind student who will help anyone in need.

 Raelynne Tolley has been present at school every day this school year. She comes to school prepared and ready to learn. Raelynne exhibits good character and is a kind friend.

Josie Travers is a role model in second grade. She works hard on every assignment and is always willing to help others. She always does her homework, and loves to participate in class discussions!  

 Erika Mowbray has an upbeat and positive personality that makes everyone around her smile. She loves to share during class discussions and is a friend to everyone. She tries her best on all assignments and asks questions when she doesn’t understand something.

Evan Groton has worked hard this month to show his work when completing his math assignments and writing 5-10 sentences in his journal. Mrs. Ruark is pleased with how he has worked to share his feelings in an appropriate manner.

Rachel Flack always tries her best in class. She often asks for help when she doesn’t understand a concept. She is a student that teachers can count on to do the right thing. She is a good friend and kind to everyone in class.

Scarlet Luthy is always willing to help her classmates and teacher. She consistently participates in class discussions, works very hard, and demonstrates leadership.  

 Grace McWilliams has a heart of gold. She is always ready to lend a helping hand and demonstrates kindness every day!

 Tillor Wingate shows the 4 R’s every day while at school; he is respectful, responsible, resourceful and ready to learn. He is very kind to everyone and always has something to add to our class discussions and morning meetings.

 Maddie Travers is very responsible and kind. She reads every night at home and always completes her reading log. Maddie loves to help Mrs. Hall and her classmates with activities or problems we’re working on.  

 Emma Simmon’s enthusiasm for learning enhances the learning environment in our classroom each day.  Her hard work and engagement continue to reflect in her impeccable work and commitment to her education. 

Lilly Moxey is courteous to others. She is hardworking and determined to be successful in anything that she does. Lilly has a bright future ahead of her.